Kicking off 2023 we will be engaging in the consensus study process, the essence of grassroots power!
Background on the Consensus study process:
Any new LWVMN position or changes to established LWVMN positions must be supported by a study and consensus.
A study committee collects information through research and writes a report and consensus questions.
Members statewide review the report and questions to reach consensus on a position.
Delegates typically vote on a new study at Convention, and the study typically takes about two years to complete.
At the LWVMN Council in 2022, delegates voted to conduct a formal study to determine whether to change or add elements to LWVMN’s Firearms position in its Program for Action.
In the next month each League will weigh in with their responses, which will determine what changes (if any) will be made to the LWVMN position on firearms.
At our January 3rd meeting, we will be reviewing the Firearms Position Consensus Report and collectively responding to the questions (ballot) that confirm whether we support the report.
Mary-Lewis Grow will be joining us at the January Member meeting. She was co-chair of the Firearms Committee and will assist as we walk through the report and the process! We are fortunate to have her facilitate the meeting.
Your Homework: To review and/or download the Firearms Study materials, visit Member Resources on the LWVMN website and refer to the "Studies" section at the top of the page. Here is the link to the study.
If you are unable to attend the meeting in January you will receive an individual ballot to be completed and sent back to the LWV Bloomington to include in our final tally.
6:30 PM Welcome Members! (Call to Order and Roll Call)
6:35 PM Approval of Dec 2022 Member Meeting Minutes
6:40 PM Guest Speaker and Meeting Facilitator - Mary-Lewis Grow, Co-Chair of the Firearms Study Committee
6:45 PM Firearms Study Consensus Member meeting
8: 00 PM Meeting Adjournment
If you are not a member and would like to attend, please contact us: